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Valentine’s Day Yoga — co-sponsored by the Chaplains’ Office and Tasha Yoga

Sun, February 14th, 2021
11:00 am
- 12:00 pm

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Come onto the meeting and greet one another, before segueing into an open level yoga class (teacher spotlighted) to connect with your heart!  The heart is a potent symbol for renewal. Through the heart of  consciousness we release what no longer serves, making room to welcome in love, light and creative inspiration!  We’ll practice a variety of poses to soften and open the heart, and send each other loving kindness.

This class is for students of all levels and can be done in your room, no special equipment needed other than the usual Zoom.
To sign up, please at tashayoga.com/classes at no charge.  The Zoom link is available in the View Details section for the class. If you cannot come, please take your name off the list so others can have a spot.  Co-sponsored by the Chaplains’ Office and Tasha Yoga.

Natasha “Tasha” Judson, M.Ed., is a Certified Anusara Yoga teacher, Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance, and authorized teacher of Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga.  She’s been teaching alignment oriented yoga in the Berkshires for over twenty years, and currently owns and directs Tasha Yoga studio in Williamstown.  For grounding and inspiration she’s travelled multiple times to Chidambaram Temple in South India and hopes to return soon.  Throughout various stages of life, yoga has offered surprising practical benefits as well as gifts beyond her wildest imagination.  Delving into convergences of yoga and classical dressage is a current pursuit that’s drawing her into compelling creative partnerships and exchanges.

Natasha “Tasha” Judson, M.Ed., E-RYT 500
Authorized Teacher of Neelakantha Meditation as taught in Blue Throat Yoga
Tasha Yoga / 20 Spring St. / Williamstown, MA 01267
Schedule of classes and privates online and outdoors at:
www.tashayoga.com / 413 346 3638 / Like us on Facebook
“Embody yourself through finely tuned alignment and heartfelt expression.”
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
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