MIDWEEKMUSIC in the Chapel
Wed, November 15th, 2023
12:15 pm
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This Midweekmusic takes place in Thompson Memorial Chapel and features works performed by the organists of Williams, and other talented Williams music students.
Bring a friend and enjoy our popular midday and midweek concert series. A musical sampler, every week offers up a mixture of traditional fare, with exciting accents of the unexpected. Williams student musicians value the informal atmosphere of MIDWEEKMUSIC and they use it to workshop their pieces, try out something new, show off something that doesn’t fit in other concert formats, or just to have some fun. Instructors are encouraged to have their students present themes together, and the impromptu mini-lecture can also be part of the enjoyment.
Relaxed and informal, MIDWEEKMUSIC is a chance for everyone to share the music in beautiful Thompson Memorial Chapel.
Students interested in performing can find more information here.
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