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Log Lunch: Impacts of Climate Change on Global Fish Stocks, Food Security, and Societal Stability

Fri, April 7th, 2023
12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm

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Log Lunch:  “Impacts of Climate Change on Global Fish Stocks, Food Security, and Societal Stability,” Alison Cross Carter PhD, Director of Fishery Sustainability, World Wildlife Fund-US. Log Lunch is a locally-grown, vegetarian, homemade lunch for $3 cash at door; online reservations required.  Log Lunch has been a tradition of the Center for Environmental Studies every Friday since 1977!  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e44aea728a3f9c07-loglunch1#/

Bring your own water bottle.

Alison Cross.  Director, Fishery Sustainability

Alison Cross is a Director of Fishery Sustainability on the WWF-US Oceans Team. Alison engages in Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) fishery assessments and policy consultations to ensure the credibility of the MSC standard and program, and leads other fishery certification initiatives of interest, such as the benchmarking of certification programs. In addition, she helps coordinate WWF’s sustainable fisheries work globally and serves as a Network lead on wild-caught fishery standards and certification.

Alison previously worked for the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Alaska Fisheries Science Center and conducted field work in Alaska and in Baja, Mexico. She has a B.A. in Biology from Whitman College and a Ph.D. in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences from the University of Washington, where she studied the early marine growth and consumption demand of hatchery and wild pink salmon in Prince William Sound and the coastal Gulf of Alaska.


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