Sat, October 5th, 2024
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
- This event has passed.

HOPKINS MEMORIAL FOREST FALL FESTIVAL: Saturday, Oct 5, 10am-1pm at the Hopkins Memorial Forest located at 271 NW Hill Road, Williamstown. Free admission. Parking can be tight so we encourage carpooling or cycling to the event. Shuttle vans will also leave from behind Paresky every 15 minutes starting at 10am. All are welcome. For more information, call x4353.
This event celebrates the changing of the seasons and the bounty of our wooded environments, and features traditional wood-working demonstrations, hikes, music, apple butter and cider production, music, refreshments, childrens’ activities, hands-on activities, such as a cross-cut saw competition, and more!
The event will also exhibit some of the environmental research that has been going on in this Experimental Forest the last few years. Students and staff from the Williams College Environmental Analysis Lab will be available to show visitors the weather station and explain ongoing research and data collection taking place in the forest.
The 2,600 acre Hopkins Forest – donated to the College in the 1930s by the family of Colonel Amos Lawrence Hopkins – has been actively managed by Williams College for teaching and research endeavors for more than 40 years. The forest also has an array of hiking and cross-country ski trails, along with a visitor center, an herb garden, and a maple sugaring operation.