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Finding Grief and Loss Support at Williams

  • This message is more than 6 months old and the information may be out of date

Are you dealing with a recent loss, either of a loved one or perhaps losses related to our current world situations of COVID, political uncertainty or the increased divisions in our society? This message is to help you find resources that may help you at this time.


For Students:

  1. Students experiencing grief and loss usually go first to friends, faculty and Staff from student support offices. Students and their supporters are encouraged to contact the Deans, the Chaplains, Coaches, IWS, Faculty and Staff from the student support offices for further support.
  2. If you are experiencing the serious illness or an unexpected loss of a family member, please contact the Deans’ Office and a dean will be in touch with you to help you find the support you need.
  3. The Chaplains’ Office team is available for immediate grief support on an individual or group basis. Space for virtual group grief support has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursdays, starting November 5. Sign up by Thursdays 12 noon on this form  and a link to the group meeting will be sent by Thursdays 4 p.m. You may sign up for an individual meeting with this form.
  4. All of the Chaplains are available to meet with students, regardless of religious affiliation. The Chaplains’ contact information may be found at chaplain.williams.edu.
  5. IWS resources include individual therapy, self-schedule, crisis hours and on-call support. Please see the IWS website for more information. Deans and Chaplains are ready to help the grieving student discern whether or not more support is needed, especially from IWS.

These are challenging times and we hope that we can provide support for the entire community and to equip all of us to be able to support each other. To that end two training workshops are being planned for the period between the fall and spring semesters.

  • The Chaplains and IWS will hold a workshop for Faculty and Staff to help them support students who are experiencing grief and loss.
  • IWS and the Chaplains will host a workshop for students to help them find ways of embracing self-care practices as they are grieving and facing a new loss.

For Faculty and Staff:

If you are faculty and staff and you are interested in a grief support group or if you would like to meet with a Chaplain, please email Valerie at vb7@williams.edu or contact a member of the Chaplains’ Office team. You are also invited to fill out the form and someone from the Chaplains’ Office will contact you.

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