Dance Workshop: The Ring Shout, African Dance, and Post-Modern Dance - TO BE RESCHEDULED
Thu, October 13th, 2022
4:15 pm - 5:30 pm
- This event has passed.
In conjunction with the Reggie Wilson/Fist and Heel Performance Group on October 15, Reggie Wilson will offer a class breaking-down components of the Ring Shout, the arguable 1st building block of the Black Church, for audience movement participation and reconstruction. In this lecture, he speaks to how the Ring Shout “changed his life”, serving his work, research, and the naming of his company. Discussing his movement analysis of postmodern dance and African kinesthetic genius over time and space he shares what he means by “Post-African Neo Hoodoo Modern Dance”.
All are welcome. For reservations, please email at Rebecca Wolfe at
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- Workshop performance: “To the Academy” »