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Dance Dept: Introduction to the Alexander Technique

Sat, September 28th, 2024
2:00 pm
- 5:00 pm

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Explore how your awareness can expand, giving you more support for your learning and actions. Whether you are playing an instrument, dancing, or simply sitting at a desk,
how you function and use your own instrument—yourself—makes a difference. The Alexander Technique is used by performers worldwide to achieve their peak potential with greater ease and flow.

In this workshop, you will learn the theoretical aspects of the Alexander Technique and have practical experiences in utilizing it. We;ll break into groups for instrumentalists, vocalists, and dancers to explore how the AT work applies directly to your technique and craft.Guest Teacher: Ann Rodiger (NYC)

What to wear: Loose-fitting, comfortable clothing

Saturday, Sept. 28 th , 2pm-5pm – Chapin Hall Stage

All are welcome!

For more info, email Tim Pyper tp10@williams.edu

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