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Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference Registration

  • This message is more than 6 months old and the information may be out of date
The annual reproductive justice conference, the Civil Liberties and Public Policy (CLPP) Conference, at Hampshire College is coming up in April!
In light of this, the Berkshire Doula Project (a reproductive justice collective on campus) is beginning to organize for all things CLPP: funding, registration, transportation, lodging, etc. In order to do this, though, we need estimates on the numbers of people who are interested in attending.
If you are interested in attending CLPP, and are fairly certain you will be able to attend, please RSVP on this form! Students, faculty, and staff are welcome. Further instructions are on the form, and more information is to follow once we have some estimates!
More information about CLPP can be found here: https://clpp.hampshire.edu/
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