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Career Conversation at The Log: AGRICULTURE: Policy, Science, Economics, Farming, etc

Fri, January 19th, 2024
1:00 pm
- 2:00 pm

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CAREERS IN AGRICULTURE: CONVERSATION AT THE LOG: Informal conversation about careers in agriculture: science, policy, economics, farming etc. with Bernie Kluger ’94, Senior Advisor to the US Secretary of Agriculture. All Welcome!

Career chat directly follows Bernie Kluger’s Log Lunch talk: all are welcome, no reservation needed for the career talk.  Reservations required for the Lunch talk here:   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e44aea728a3f9c07-loglunch1#/

Career conversation in the Black Room (side room) at The Log.

Sponsored by the Center for Environmental Studies.

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