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A.I. Film Festival @ Images Cinema (Jan 24th and Jan 31st 7pm) Free Admission for All.

Wed, January 24th, 2024
7:00 pm
- 9:30 pm

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Image of Images Cinema
In coordination with Williams faculty in the Sciences and English, we have organized a “Science on Screen” film festival around Artificial Intelligence at Images Cinema. The series explores the representation of artificial intelligence in film, and discussions will explore the themes of what it is to be human and the basis for creating and understanding the “life” and culture of AI.
On Wed Jan 24th, we will be screening of Spike Jonze’ movie “Her” at 7pm (Images Cinema). Featuring discussion and Q&A by Ezra Feldman (English), Iris Howley (Computer Science), and Jeremy Cone (Psychology).
On Wed Jan 31st, we will be screening the German film “I’m Your Man”
at 7pm (Images Cinema). Featuring discussion and Q&A by Tim Lebestky (Biology/Neuroscience) and Christophe Kone (German).
Please join us for an illuminating evening of film!

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